Friday, June 4, 2010

The adventures of Big B the Blueberry pie-part 1-Big B and Patrick the Strawberry tart

Big B woke happily. He knew he was going to have an adventure today! He got out of bed and stretched. Slowly he walked over to the breakfast table and had a big breakfast blueberry flakes. After he finished eating he started to walk to the front door so he could leave Bakers Delights (his home). Just as he was about to open the front door something caught his eye A STRAWBERRY TART WAS BAKING!

Big B approached the strawberry tart happily "Hello I'm Big B," said Big B "whats your name?" "I'm Patrick, I'm new here," Patrick answered "I'll show you around!!" exclaimed Big B "come on follow me!"

Big b the blueberry pie showed Patrick the strawberry tart around bakers delights. " Well enough of this boring stuff," Big B exclaimed "LETS GO OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!"

Big B showed Patrick all the shops and where to play the best games then as they were walking home a hungry fat kid appeared in front of them and licked his lips. " MMMM two free pastries, this must be my lucky day!" the fat kid exclaimed. Big B and Patrick tried to run away but they were to slow the fat kid picked them up and licked his lips once again.

Suddenly a croissant came flying. She scooped up Patrick and Big B away from the fat kid. "THANKS!!!" both Big b and Patrick said together. "Thats OK oh and by the way I'm Cursty the Croissant" Cursty replyed. "hey why dont you come home with us!" Patrick exclaimed! "Patrick she probably has her own home!" Big b said"actually I dont so I will be coming home with you!!!!" CURSTY EXCLAIMED HAPPILY!!!!!! "I know Patrick but whats your name???" "Oh I'm Big B" Big b replyed.

So the pastries went home and had a good nights sleep, or did they.............. FIND OUT ON THE NEXT ADVENTURES OF BIG B THE BLUEBERRY PIE!!!!!!!!!!!