Monday, January 31, 2011

Info on pigs :D

Unfairly, pigs have a reputation for being dirty, noisy, gluntonus and unintelligent. all of these r complete myths and in fact pigs are considered the fourth most intelligent animal after chimps, dolphins and elephants and certainly are the smartest farm animal. By necessity they need to wallow in mud or water on hot days as they have no sweat glands, but they keep their living areas very tidy for sleeping and eating. The noise they make is considered to be quite a sophisticated form of communication and if given a name, a pig may respond to its being called within a couple of weeks. Pigs are not greedy creatures. They eat a good deal in the way of grain-based food as well as fruit and vegetables, but they do not over-consume. Also, pigs are very family-orientated, developing strong relationships with their mates and other members of their 'herd'.