Monday, January 31, 2011

Info on pigs :D

Unfairly, pigs have a reputation for being dirty, noisy, gluntonus and unintelligent. all of these r complete myths and in fact pigs are considered the fourth most intelligent animal after chimps, dolphins and elephants and certainly are the smartest farm animal. By necessity they need to wallow in mud or water on hot days as they have no sweat glands, but they keep their living areas very tidy for sleeping and eating. The noise they make is considered to be quite a sophisticated form of communication and if given a name, a pig may respond to its being called within a couple of weeks. Pigs are not greedy creatures. They eat a good deal in the way of grain-based food as well as fruit and vegetables, but they do not over-consume. Also, pigs are very family-orientated, developing strong relationships with their mates and other members of their 'herd'.

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Adventures of Big B the Blueberry Pie-Part 3- Love at First Sight

Big B woke, looked out the window and was surprised it had finally stopped raining! He rubbed his eyes and looked again, just to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. But like normal, his vision was 20-20. Pleased, he rushed to get ready to spend a lovely summer day at the beach. Big B was so excited to go, but first he had to do the hardest thing possible… wake up Patrick.

Big B shook Patrick, only to have him roll over. “Patrick wake up we can go to the beach,” Big B said quietly. Patrick just grunted in response, “Patrick it’s stopped raining,” Big B replied to Patricks’ grunt. Patrick just snored away; Big B was starting to get annoyed. “WAKE UP!” he screamed. Patrick jumped awake, “Is the house on fire!?” he said confused.
“No but we can go to the beach!” Big B answered excited.
“Oh! Fun!”

Finally, after Patrick and Big B had gotten ready, they arrived at the beach. The two had the best of times, they swam, made sand castles and played gumball (Pastry version of volley ball). While they were playing gumball, the gumball rolled away and Big B went to go get it. Big B ran fast to get the gumball, but it just seemed to roll faster. Finally it crashed into a beach umbrella and stopped. “So-“he started to apologize to the pastry sitting behind the umbrella. Big B stopped mid-word as he realized the pastry was Cursty, a croissant he had met long before, except this time, Cursty looked beautiful.

Big B was instantly in love, and it seemed Cursty was as well. “Big B,” Cursty said, amazed, “I never thought I’d see you again!”
“Cursty,” Big B said equally amazed, “I also never thought I’d see you again! You look… beautiful.” Cursty blushed.
“Why thank you,” She replied, quite happy, “You look good too.”

The next 3 months went by perfectly! Big B and Cursty started dating, they had their first kiss and were inseparable. They couldn’t stand being away from each other that Cursty moved in with Patrick and Big B. Tonight, on their 3 month anniversary of their first date, Big B was going to pop the question. Big B had made reservations for them to go to the most romantic restaurant, organized for violins to be played and had the perfect speech to give when he asked Cursty the Croissant… to marry him! What could go wrong?

Big B was so happy; so far the night had gone great! The violins were playing, and Big B was about to get down on his knee and propose. All of a sudden, Cursty started crying. Big B was confused “What’s wrong sweetie-croissant?” he asked.
“Oh Big B I’m so sorry!” Cursty cried out. Now Big B was even more confused. “Oh, I know I should have told you! I just couldn’t!”

“What’s wrong babe?” Big B asked again.
“I have an arranged marriage! My father doesn’t believe in love, but he thinks girls need to get married and have heaps of children! The wedding is next week!” Big Bs’ face paled, the love of my life is getting married to someone else he thought and she doesn’t even know who he is! “Oh, I’m so sorry Big B! I never wanted this!”

Big B went home, depressed. He knew it wasn’t Curtsy’s’ fault, but jeesh, was he angry with her father.

The week before Curtys’ wedding, Big B spent most of his time moping and eating ice-cream. On the day of the wedding, Patrick couldn’t stand seeing his best friend so sad, “Big B,” he announced, “You cannot live with the sadness of not being with Cursty for the rest of your life. You need to stop the wedding!” With this Big B suddenly had a burst of life.
“You’re right Patrick!”

Big B rushed to the church and burst through the doors just after the priest said “if anyone objects to this arrangement speak now or forever hold your peace,”
“I OBJECT!” Big B screamed, “I love Cursty and I want to marry her! She is my everything and I cannot live without her!”
“Well! Then the marriage is stopped as long as Cursty agrees to marry Big B!” The Priest announced.
“I do!”Cursty said with all the happiness in the world!

So now Cursty and Big B are happily married, and could never have asked for anything better.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Piggy Christmas!

It is almost Christmas, in fact, its Christmas Eve!!! In this story all characters are human unless I say otherwise.

Skye woke up at the crack of dawn, it was Christmas!!! She raced into her parents bedroom and woke them up, she wanted to get to opening presents straight away!!! Skyes' family gathered around the tree and began opening the presents. Skye got heaps of awesome things and so did her parents. After the tree and stockings were cleared, Skyes' mother made an announcement, "Skye I am so happy you liked your presents! But, there is one more you haven't seen... " At this point Skyes' father came in from the backyard, holding a... PIGLET!!!!!!!!!! A real live piglet! Skye was so happy that she had this special new pet, one she would never stop loving :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Adventures of Big B the Blueberry Pie- Part 2- Big B gets a Wiener

Big B leapt out of bed. He knew he was going to have an adventure today, he could smell it in the air! Or maybe that was just breakfast, speaking of breakfast, Big B was starving! He went to eat his blueberry flakes next to his best friend Patrick the strawberry tart, who was eating strawberry flakes.

After they had finished their yummy breakfast they decided to go for a walk in the park. “Big B I’m hungry!” moaned Patrick as they went out the door.

“But we just ate!” exclaimed Big B.

“Yeah but then we stopped eating,” explained Patrick.

“We’ll get some hotdogs later,”

“Yay!” Patrick said, satisfied.

Once they finally reached the park, they played a game of kick the mini donut, but when Patrick missed the mini donut for 11th time, they saw a wiener (mini sausage). Once again Big B smelt adventure or maybe it was just the little brown mess the wiener made.

You see, to pastries wieners are like dogs. Big B was extremely excited; this was the adventure he had smelt all day! Patrick and Big B looked around to see if the wiener had an owner, and checked to see if it was wearing a collar. Once they established it didn’t have an owner or collar, they decided to keep the wiener. “We’ll call you Princess Yummybutt!” Big B said happily.

“Yeah that’s an awesome name!” Patrick agreed.

They loved Princess Yummybutt so much; they took her with them everywhere. The shops to buy groceries, the arcade to play video games, and the bushes when she needed to go… They were having so much fun they didn’t notice the time go by. “OMG look at the time!” exclaimed Big B.

“Its only 4:55 pm,” Patrick replied while looking at his watch.

“Big hand is for minutes Patrick,” Big B said annoyed.

“Oh right, OMG its 11:20!” Patrick said surprised.

“Really Patrick?” Big b said sarcastically.

“Yeah we better get home!” so they rushed home and brushed their teeth.

When Big B had finished brushing his teeth, he discovered Princess Yummybutt lying on his bed. “No Princess, this is your bed,” said Big B while pointing at a hotdog roll. “That’s my bed.” Princess Yummybutt didn’t budge, so Big B nudged her a little, still she didn’t move. “Oh fine, but just for tonight,” and with that Big B got into his bed with Princess Yummybutt, who was already snoring.

The next morning, Big B woke with a start. He hears something moving around. He picked up his baseball bat, ready to hit whatever was in his house with it. He walked slowly to the living room, and he saw his house DESTROYED, and Princess Yummybutt wagging her tail, in the middle of the crime scene.

Big B’s mouth was opened wide when Patrick entered the room, they were both speechless. “How could a wiener so small do damage so big?” Big B asked, voice cracking.

“I have no idea,” Patrick answered sadly.

“ Well, we better get to cleaning up, Patrick will you get a garbage bag… or maybe three, we’ll have to throw away a lot of things after what this wiener has done,” Big B said while shooting daggers at Princess Yummybutt with his eyes. Princess Yummybutt just continued to wag her tail.

They spent the whole day cleaning and replacing broken furniture. Luckily, Big B’s only photo of his parents was still OK, without that photo he would have no memory of his parents. When they finally finished cleaning, they went to bed. This time Big B made Princess Yummybutt sleep in the hotdog roll, he was fed up with this wiener.

Big B heard a crash, he raced out of bed to the photo of his parents, which now lay on the floor, in pieces. Big B looked as if he might cry, but then his crust turned red “LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE DONE!” he shouted at the wiener, “YOU BROKE MY ONLY MEMORY OF MY PARENTS!” Patrick came running to Big B, who was now in tears “It’s OK, it’s OK,” Patrick said comfortingly to Big B then shot a warning glance at Princess Yummybutt whose tail was not wagging anymore.

“I want to get rid of that wiener,” Big B said when he had calmed down. “The neighbours have always wanted a pet, we can give it to them,”

“If you think that it’s the right decision,” Patrick replied. So they took princess Yummybutt to their neighbours, who were delighted to finally have a pet.

Big b and Patrick lived in peace for a while, but then they grew lonely and bored. “We should never have given Princess Yummybutt away, I was just angry that’s why I did it!” Big B said sadly. “Oh Patrick what will we do?”

“Well, we could always ask for her back,” Patrick answered.

“Patrick, you’re a genius!” Big B exclaimed.

“I am? Oh right I am, why am I?” Patrick replied, confused

“Never mind let’s just go get Princess Yummybutt!”

So Patrick and Big B went next door to ask their neighbours for Princess Yummybutt back. “Sorry we gave her to the church because she wrecked our house!” So they went to the church “We gave her to the blind pastry down the street because she drank the holy water!” So they went to the blind pastry “But she’s my guide wiener! You can’t take her away from me!” the blind pastry explained. Big B and Patrick frowned, but when they were about to leave Big B had an idea, “Why don’t we let her decide?” So they put Princess Yummybutt in the middle of each other and started calling out her name. Princess Yummybutt sniffed the air and then went to the blind pastry.

Big B and Patrick were really disappointed. “I guess she’s your dog,” Patrick said sadly before they opened the door. Just when they were about to close the door the saw Princess Yummybutt pull a cookie out of the blind pastries pocket. “Hey, she didn’t like you she just wanted your cookie!” Big B exclaimed. After Princess Yummybutt finished eating she ran over to Big B and Patrick. “Sorry about your dog,” said Patrick as he left with big b and Princess Yummybutt.

So Big B, Patrick and Princess Yummybutt went home, they were a family again!