Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spiderpig and Harry Plopper team up!

New reporter-Yes its true Spider pig and Harry Plopper have teamed up to destroy the earth. While spider pig shoots his piggy web harry plopper rides on his back and shoots lazer beams from his wand.
Marge- mmmmm Homer I told you not to to give those pigs a wand and silly string!
Homer- Marge calm down all there doing is destroying the face of the earth.
Bart-Homer the pigs just destoyed Moe's!
Homer- grrrrr, at least I stil have my donuts mmm donuts "drool"
Lisa- Dad harry plopper just ate all the donuts at Lard lads!
Marge- You traded your gun for that fridge magnet of pie.
Homer- oh right mmmmmm pie "drool"

Blueberry Pie Recipe

Blueberry Pie Recipe



Filling ingredients:

  • 6 cups of fresh (or frozen) blueberries, rinsed and stems removed (if using frozen, defrost and drain first)
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour (for thickening)
  • 1/2 cup white granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 Tbsp butter (unsalted), cut into small pieces

Egg wash ingredients:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon milk


1 Prepare the crust. Roll out half of the dough to 1/8-inch-thick circle on a lightly floured work surface, about 13 inches in diameter. Fit the dough over a 9-inch pie pan, and trim the edges to a 1/2 inch over the edge all around the pan. Put into the refrigerator to chill for about 30 minutes.

2 Gently mix the blueberries, sugar, flour, cinnamon, lemon zest, and lemon juice in a large bowl. Transfer them to the chilled bottom crust of the pie pan. Dot with butter pieces. Roll out remaining dough to the same size and thickness as the first. Place on top of the berry filling. Tuck the top dough over and under the edge of the bottom dough, and crimp the edges with your fingers. Transfer the pie to the refrigerator to chill until the dough is firm, about 30 minutes. Heat oven to 425°F.

3 Whisk egg and milk together to make an egg wash.

4 Remove the unbaked pie from refrigerator. Brush the top with egg wash. Score the pie on the top with 4 cuts (so steam can escape while cooking). Place the pie on the middle rack of the oven with a parchment paper or Silpat lined baking pan positioned on the lower rack to catch any filling that may bubble over. Bake for 20 minutes at 425°. Reduce heat to 350°F and bake for 30 to 40 minutes more or until juices are bubbling and have thickened. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Let cool completely before serving.

Makes 8 servings.


"I dont have swine flu!" said porkers
"You do I've heard you snore!" said big B the blueberry pie.
"That doesnt mean I have swine fl- HEY I dont snore!"
"HA thats the worst lie ever! You so snore, and you so have swine flu!"
"do not! your the one that has swine flu!"
"That may be so but what you dont realise is that blanket you slept on last night I wiped my nose with!"
"so now you do have swine flu!"

"I feel terrrible, ACHOOO!"
"HA! so I was right you do have swine flu!"
Porkers eyes are really watery right now...
"Hey its a pie!"
gobble gobble
Porkers eyes were so watery that he didnt recognise the pie he was eating was Big B!

this goes to show that if you be mean you get EATEN!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

:P my life!

So an update on my life so far, or at least as much as I can remember:P

So let me start in 1st grade........ It was the last day of school at G.A.S.S soon I would be moving to another school and would have to make new friends. My current BFF was a girl called Zora since it was also the day before Easter holidays she gave me a chocolate easter bunny :) And thats all I remember of that day it was so long ago....
I dont remember exactly what happened at my new school, it was so terrible I tried to block it out of my mind. But i do remember i had no friends, and that I took piano lessons for a wile I left their in grade 3 ready to go back to G.A.S.S I arrivied on the 2nd term of grade 3 I dont really remember what happenend then so lets skip to grade 4 I had no friends going with me to my class they all got to go somewhere else. But I soon made some AWESOME new BFF's called Hannah and Fiona! they've been my best friends till this day forth. So back to grade 4 I remember I had a crush on a guy named Jack but he hated me... he called me a dork. I was so sad but soon enough got over it, he was my new worst enemy.
So now year 5 I was still in class with Hannah and Fiona! At the start of the year we were in 5F but then got moved to 5E it was so ANNOYING! but at least I still had my BFF's now I totally forget the start of the year but towards the end I had a crush on a HOT guy called Caleb he was hilarious! but like all boys he didn't like me :( at least he talked to me untill he found out i liked him.
Well its finally grade 6 the first term has gone past and now its the second, so far for art we have to paint a famous painting and build shoes, and for english we have to do a movie and book report. '


So this is my blog! I hope you enjoy reading it! And if you dont :P :P :P to you! I created this cause I LOVE pigs and pie!with every post I will try and include a photo of either a pig or a pie!